Name 名字 : DaDa-大大 【2012】
Age 年龄 : 20 Years Old
Height 身高 : 158cm
Weight 体重 : 47KG
Boobs 胸围 : 36E
Area 地区 : CENTRAL/中部
Location 地点 : Bugis Condo 武吉士公寓
Damage 价格 : S$150/60mins/1 Shot FJ
Mobile 电话 : 8424 4632
WhatsApp : 8424 4632
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Please Only Pay After Seeing The Real Person.
She is gentle , careful , tender , and she makes people particularly comfortable smile , service is very good ., flirting more than other girls, she is in love when she is invested , you can feel that she treats you as a boyfriend .
She is really attractive , beautiful , good at blowjob ,and good at service . Her boobs are big and natural , and I can't help but reach out and touch them .
Comments Are Subject To Individuals (Escort Herself Can Also Post Comment)
评论仅代表个人意见 (女孩本人也可能发布评论)