Name 名字 : XiaoGongZhu-小公主 【2006】
Age 年龄 : 23 Years Old
Height 身高 : 160cm
Weight 体重 : 44KG
Boobs 胸围 : 36C
Area 地区 : CENTRAL/中部
Location 地点 : Central condo 中部公寓
Damage 价格 : S$150/60mins/1 Shot FJ
Mobile 电话 : 9812 9158
WhatsApp : 9812 9158
Please tell me 【SGHarem 后宫网】 see.
Please Only Pay After Seeing The Real Person.
I like this type of girl as she is small and easy to carry about . First she blows very well . Non stop . If blokes like BBBJ , then this is the nominee . Next , comes the main course . As I enter her . I found that her pussy has a vice movement . It grips your brother and massages it inside her tunnel . Never experience before . Will see her again later today .
小公主好评, 巧小玲珑,温柔可爱,口活很棒, 按摩技术好, 爱爱配合度高, 非常享受, 一定回头.
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